53 files in 4 albums with 0 comments viewed 19,302 times |
Phyllostachys nuda346 viewsgrove and bamboo fence made from the species shown with a granite lantern
Phyllostachys bissetii on 1-20-2019 with 8ºF air temperature306 views
Bamboo Bed Plans402 viewsPlans for building a bed for 3 different species of bamboo that complement each other. Place bamboo barrier under the bed and make any seams per manufacturer's recommendations.
Phyllostachys nuda production line424 views
'Shiroshima' Bamboo with Peony 'Charm'372 viewsIn the foreground is a bamboo, Hibanobambusa tranquillans 'Shiroshima'. The flower in the background is a variety of herbaceous peony called 'Charm'. The flower form is Japanese pom-pom. These two show stoppers never fail to look great together.
While the larger types of bamboo don't usually do well when combined with smaller plants, the smaller species of bamboo such as this 'Shiroshima' do great and look amazing when combined with other plants of bright, contrasting colors!
Granite Japanese lanterns in the snow328 viewsThese lanterns are over 6' tall, carved from granite, and weigh 1,100 pounds
Phyllostachys bissetii culms287 viewsThis is a great species for screening and hedging because the culms grow so closely together.
Bamboo and irises316 viewsIris pseudata planting with Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Aureocaulis' in the background
Phyllostachys bissetii325 viewsBroadcasting granular urea over the grove later winter 2021Mar 09, 2021
Bamboo plants wrapped for humidity in cold storage; 14' ceiling310 viewsReserved orders for following spring & summer; dug and placed in cold storage in November.Jan 02, 2021
Bamboo plants in cold storage326 viewsReserved orders for following spring & summer; dug and placed in cold storage in November.Jan 02, 2021
Bamboo Bonsai581 viewsPhyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' used as a yose-ue (forest) bonsai plantingJul 25, 2019
Tanuki Statue368 viewsOur handmade Tanuki statues are hand sculpted, cast in fiber reinforced concrete, slow cured for 90 days; and then primed, painted, and urethaned to last and patina beautifully in your garden! This one is 18" tall and weighs 50 pounds.Jul 23, 2019
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Harbin-Inversa'476 viewsPhyllostachys aureosulcata 'Harbin-Inversa' lacks the deep grooves of 'Harbin', but its yellow, green, and sometimes red culms are very eye catching!Jul 23, 2019
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Harbin'449 viewsPhyllostachys aureosulcata 'Harbin' features green culms with yellow tripes and deep grooves all around the culms.Jul 23, 2019
New bamboo divisions403 viewsNew Phyllostachys bissetii divisions under timed mistJul 20, 2019